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Poems, Toils, and Ramblings


The Cult of Usury

May we all one day remember what was lost

Who were they that stripped us of our histories?

Who were they that enslaved all people through Usury?

And again, centuries pass, and few hear the call or even know at all.

Who would want brothers to wage wars with brothers?

Still, they infiltrate the minds of our children in hopes to steer their fates.

Now they have made a nation of men enslaved, thoroughly indoctrinated in every way.

And across our TV screens, they speak and create theater themes.

And help us choose who to despise while planning our demise.

Could anything I say make another man see the light?

Who are they who rule abroad in castles of lies built upon the men who died?

Who with printed script and contriving lies buy our democracy in front of our eyes?

It is truly time to recognize who it was who stole our lives

For it must be lies to claim race caused such strife in our lives

For not a man in our land, today is not mixed in some way

And it seems that now is the time to reconvene our common ancestors right to redeem

From the Elites who forced upon the world corrupt wars only to gain more

I wish it now that all can see that we are all mixed skinned and we are not the disease

Do not continue still that in which our tyrant wields

Instead, let us work together in farms and fields and save our children's future still

Take the Rothschild and all their land even from their lackeys in foreign lands

Force them back to whence they came so we may live free

Just like all our Ancestor's willed and live a life full of thrills





Here now I present to you, Ramblings for you to view.
To help free our minds from antithetical elocutions
Some will seek to denigrate these lines
Few will even scrutinize them in these times
But for those who do, I present to you a path to Truth
            Let it be an aid as you perambulate your present day             Enabling you to learn the truth shrouded and skewed
You may even discover who is concealing the truth
It may even present a Universal view to those who choose to peruse
Controversial from a “Bankers” Point of View
To help all men see the Universal Truths
Hidden by a select few, taking advantage of you
Read these Ramblings if you will choose to be resolute
And throughout, sources to you I will yield
For you to learn for yourself if it is your will


"Life. Though distributed among a thousand different natures with their individual limitations. Intelligence. Even if it seems to be divided. The other components—breath, matter—lack any awareness or connection to one another (yet unity and its gravitational pull embrace them too). But intelligence is uniquely drawn toward what is akin to it, and joins with it inseparably, in shared awareness. "

(Mediations Book 12, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 140AD)


Toilers of the Universal Vortices

In the life of any solar-based people, it can be easy to lose track of reality.  As we grow within the framework of society, we make choices that define our perceptions of reality.  So often the years pass and the conflicts of surviving within an already predefined social order do not much allow for us to re-access the world we have been born into.  Our consciousness emerged, seemingly unaware of the interweaved Universal Vortices, into societies that had already predefined perspectives of our place within the Universal Vortices. We grow and learn from those who came before us without ever questioning the reality of their perspective, with only vague ideas of how those views may have come to originate.  Taught to accept the already predefined illusory vignette, while ignorant of the origins of our own Progenitor's source material, we are continuously bombarded with previously defined notions of our place within the Universal Vortices.  To petition our elders with our qualms can lead us to a perplexing dread to seek out the actuality of their teachings only to find yourself in a society that has spent millennia protecting the validity of their claims through the destruction of our ancestor's perspective of the Universal Vortices.  Our society expects scrupulous acceptance of the realities presented to us in our youth that are derived from doctrines that our educators have been taught to accept without questioning the validity of their sources.  So, consciousness emerged into a seemingly infinite whorling aethereal field, into societies with predefined ideologies with persistent teachings meant to alienate those who question our place within the Universal Vortices.

                        For thousands of years each generation of solar-based peoples throughout the World have been has been taught to accept without question the obscure illumination of our place within the Universal Vortices using “Kill the Parent, Raise the Children” tactics.  Based on the predefined teachings the varying societies have forced their common folk into wars amongst themselves to ensure the questioning of our Progenitor's sources are forever suppressed.  Do we want the children to truly accept, without reason or evidence, the same predefined perspective propagated to us from our suzerains?  What circumstances led our forefathers to their conclusions and were their ancestor’s depicting knowledge forced upon them through generations of oppression and suppression of free thought?  Modern solar-based folk have now proclaimed their understanding of the Universal Vortices to exceed beyond the primitive teachings of their ancestors based on their perception of technological advances that no singular solar-based people can be credited for.  For example, if three generations proclaim the theories of various masonic scientists to be a scientific revelation, would we question it by researching their perspective of the inner workings of the Universal Vortices.  Could it possibly all be dependent on the whorling motion of the Aether?  Could we then also research the perspective of the other scientists of this era and make a comparison of their views to ensure no dogmatic theocratic theory was being introduced by a masonic mass media, owned by a few theocratic moneymakers?  Would we question, after researching the obscured facts presented, why so many theories were propagated throughout society over men such as Nikolai Tesla, Rene Descartes, Phillip Lenard, Ignatius Donnely, and Henri Poincare among others?  What purpose did the Kakistocracy have in suppressing the teachings all this time? Do we assume our grandfathers read the writings and determined the validity of the truth through study or do we question until our minds check their preconceived notions through study?  While many may take offense to the current line of questioning it should be noted the worst sin mankind could ever commit upon their children is to misguide them through blind acceptance of source-less propaganda.

What Am I?

As you will see, the answer is right in front of us.
Measure me as you would properly measure anything.
Define within reality my relativity and see what happened recently.
Completely defined by yesterday, which comes differently everyday.
If I was there, never another moment would I trespass there.
So where is the visionary within me who sees the motion clearly?
Central to reality, perspective moving in a new way, each day.
I am All, including You, so speak Truth if You find Me within Thee.

"History shows us that science progress permanently has been retarded

by the overbearing influences favoring particular concepts and impelling their

acceptance as dogma. Thus, it has become necessary from time to time

to return to first principles, which may be used without constraint.*’

-DeBroglie 1

I feel it would only be reasonable, and would challenge all people to do this, question all things and attempt to determine your own perspective of the situation.  The following is a logical approach determined through observation of my own and observation of others throughout history.  Many true sciences are hidden by the masonic moneymakers to ensure their rule over the minds of men is absolute.  I will give you some of my thoughts to the answers to questions from my personal evaluation of sources I have explored, which I will leave for you as I ramble, if it is your will to explore.  In descriptive capabilities regarding the Universal Vortices we all have own limitations, but there are many histories and sciences unknown to modern people, and we need the help free all the minds of Earth to alleviate us from this Masonic curse.  I present the following idea, contrary to some theories, for what mankind calls “light’” and how it doesn’t come along for the ride, but please keep in mind that you should draw your opinions from the many minds lost in time by masonic lies.


E=mc^2 is not true, but instead, Simplicity=Reality

Net work for the universal system must equal zero at equilibrium condition with respect to the universe being a vortical system.  The conditions for an entire system to have no work only exists in a static universe, which is atomically impossible.  If a static universe could exist, then a dynamic universe would never exist.  The net-work of the entirety of existence must equal zero, but constantly in motion.  All motion is vortical and each vortical action has an equal vortical reaction.  Within the confines of the vortical motion all things move in a spiraling sinusoid around a common center, but it’s always empty in every solar systems barycenter.  The speed of light, as you will see this world has lies, varies right in front of your eyes, but your eyesight continuously catches falling light and never the same photon twice .  Before I tell you why in the words that come from my mind, here are some works from others who see a varying light and you will find more if you try, decelerating out of the sky;

(“The constancy,or otherwise, of the speed of light” by Daniel J Farrell & J Dunning-Davies)

(New varying speed of light theories by Joao Magueijo)

(The Vortex Theory of Atoms by Dr. Jeroen van Dongen)

(Treatise of Natural Philosophy by Kelvin & Tait)

(The Treatise of Light by Rene Descartes)

(The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci translated by Jean Paul Richter)

Then why? Because like the apple, of arbitrary mass falls to the Earth, the photon, of negligible mass, is left behind by the Sun. The Sun must conserve its energy, thus it must intake mass and eject mass.  Elements when compressed are ejected in the opposing direction of the system’s direction of forward motion by corona mass ejections due to the burning of the fuel causing the breakdown of the atomic structure.  The ejected protons and neutrons will inevitably be drawn towards the solar vortices, or another solar vortex moving into this new position.  All systems have a barycenter, defining a net zero point around which all the masses in motion continually balance themselves, including our own solar systems barycenter.  The barycenter of the galactic vortices is near the center, but never exactly center, of the galaxy.  It also is moving based on the motion of the galaxies within the interweaving vortexes respective galactic cluster, which would themselves propagate in a vortical motion around a common barycenter.  This would continue towards a universal scale which must be in a seemingly paradoxical perpetual motion, due to the infinite non-perpetual systems within the vortically propelled Aether.  All vortical systems eventually pass their kinetic energy, Spirit, into other vortical systems; when the momentum ceases will the Spirit recoalesce?


Knowledge to the Common Folk!
Usury cast all Nations in Chains!
Liberty through Solidarity, All Nations!
Remember all Seven, The Solar One!
Solar-Based Rainbow Warriors Rise!
Defend Knowledge, Liberty over Usury!
Remember the Enemy, Church of Usury!
The Magi are both a Plutocracy and a Kakistocracy!
Teach the Children, Remedy Ignorance!
Awaken or be Taken, May our Children Prevail!


The affinity of the universal vortices can be best explained as a desire for the masses to conglomerate together to reach their peak value of atomic weight, hence a sort of “wanna-be mercury stew”.  All vortical systems propel themselves forward with constant fusion reactions with varying distance per time, and they all drink from the elemental aether to sustain their motion.  All systems eventually lose motion.  Within the Sun the elements of the aether are pulled into the Suns coronal hole and broken down within the interior.  Once

compressed to maximum pressure, the Sun will eject an intense electromagnetic wave and any unprocessed material, to propel itself into forward motion.  At all times emitted photon, seen by the human eye, are thrown out from the sun as the mass is continuously collected and processed to keep us propelling though the Universal Vortices, take it from a guy whose fantasies enlightened many children’s eyes;

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” ― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

Infinity Infinitely Comes and Goes
Existence enthralls the Minds, the Milk Sea seems Infinite to Thee
To define itself in a Space with respect, Motion is a Vortical Concept
An aspect comprised of what was and how frequently it is, Am.
Used to surmise what is to be foretold, When Vibrations return, unfurled
In days of yore, star maps defined the concept? Just myth and lore?
Ancestral surmising of Our Vortical path abroad, Adore the Barycenter!
The when to allow the understanding of where, We will all get there, Aware.
Only to find the Universal Vortices is infinitely aware, See There?
The rainbow connection from the seventh ray, Everywhere.
The Spirit breathing life from vacuum space to live again, When?
Only to recoalesce and sleep for eternity again, One Self United.
One Self Split as the Spirit exists to Build, as it did Before, Yore.
The Soul defines a Moment in infinite space to redefine Itself, Experience.
Time is nothing but our measured life, realize the One Self Within.
Existing innumerable as the Universal Vortices Singularity, Frequently.
Yet we must never allow a measure to be bent or manipulated, Adhere.
Time is what each atom has as the soul is formed, Existence.
Motion is a Per Second measure of our resonating Vortices, Our Song.
Unite Our Souls to the Spirit through unified Will to Build, Harmony.
Time is infinite and the oneself exists within it to Build a New World, Salvation
I Pray this Poem can exist this time to show Truth to the Blind



Now ask yourself, why are all the photons leaving the sun, and none going in unless contained in a balanced atomic structure?  If you were moving and felt the need to accelerate, then energy will be needed so mass needs to be burned.  The more electrons in the Sun’s belly means more energy for thrust, but necessary thrust is determined by the suns motion and its affinity with the other solar vortices and their motion.  As seen in all reactions, the photons motion is contrary to the motion of the solar system.  The speed of the photon is seemingly varying, from initially equal to the force of the mass ejected to eventually zero.  The human eye could be lost in a paradoxical illusion and if the human’s brain decided that our sun had no forward motion, it could very well determine that the speed of light is excessively fast due to a paradoxical view.  The issue in many ways could lie in the motion of the mass, not the photon, and the human’s eye, being associated with the mass, cannot keep up with the photon because the human eye traveled the opposite path the photon strayed.


Where is There?


Are you guys still there?
I lost it over there!
There where life arose twice.
Earth quests for the soul.
There is lost, not aware.

In days of star maps.
Could I then recall there?
Maybe where would show there?
What do you guys see?
Are you still there?

Old men said media lies.
Books are hard to find.
Human lacks being self-aware.
How do I seek there?
Where does it hide, where?

Stars above my head, Light!
The Seven rays are lost?
Not all of them are.
Do you guys see where?

Mind the wise, Will grows!
For What, there is lost?
To the youth after you
There is truth, child learn!
There is where We exist  

A vortex would prefer heavy elements, and once processed and ejected the massless photon from the coronal ejection.  Simply put the photon is initially equal and opposite of the forward motion, which makes sense and explains the dissipation of the photon into the icy aether as the heat of the sun whorls away from it. .  Considering a varying speed of light, the calculation of a parsec is a pseudo measurement and considering the relative motion of the galactic objects around galactic barycenter and the respective wave pattern dissipation of objects over great distances, the stars around us are, in many perspectives, closer than they appear.  On another note the human eye is subject to the evolution of our planetary organism, aka Earth, which programmed itself according to the specific heat of the sun.  The would likewise program itself to ignore heat a smaller distance away in order not to confuse itself by filtering out specific wavelengths. I rather enjoy the concepts of the De Brogle Pilot wave theory as all particles move as waves, as all spiraling sinusoids would when they could.  May the Mass dictate the motion, so once again the reaction can be the explosion emitting thrust and dissipation of light waves due to the rapid cooling due to the propulsion of the vortices. At this point let us not overthink it, just ask ourselves why the Kakistocracy what their purpose is in condemning all of mankind into a fantasy of some kind.


Where is Lenore?

Fomalhaut-Procyon-Altair-Sirius whorling towards the Dawn
Fomalhaut & Altair Imperators of Aethereal fields
Sirius Chases Procyon, Altair Determines Fate
Proxima and Me weaved, Some Sort of Swirling Sinusoid?
Polaris guides, Wheels Given for Reason. Remember?
Many Binaries, Treading alone is unknown to Warmth
The Raven said, "Nevermore the lost Lenore."
Knowledge Lost at what cost? Who we are?
Whorling towards Dawn, Truth Bittersweet
Tis the Season for Reason, Veils Lifted
Sol toils for our Souls, regain Vision, Spirit Gifted
Solar based reflections rose upon Earth to Toil
Measure, Remeasure, and Measure again existence.
The Stars and all the Wheels Reveal
The Propelling Whorling Vortices, can you feel?
Arrange, Rearrange, and Arrange again existence.
Toil not for Plutocracy, Defy the Kakistocracy
Common Folk regain One Self, embrace Solidarity
Rainbow Warriors Rise, bring Heaven to Earth
Star Dust can accomplish All, Evolution is Ingenuity
Liberty over Usury, All for the Universal Singularity


Common Sense Theory of Relativity

1) Relativity - meaning measured against another mass with respect to the observer’s mass or some other mass perceived by the observer’s senses in time, which is a predetermined length of the passage of the masses within the Universal Vortices.

2)Time is infinite, thus the fact that existence exists means the non-existence of existence, the universe is infinite.

3) The Volume and Mass of the Universe are infinite, so thus the Density is infinite.

4)Time can never be bent or manipulated due to the reality of existence.  It is and always will proceed as it does, so to say it can be changed or bent is a perversion of common knowledge.  Humans measure a second based on relativity, but if gravitational fluxes in the Universal Vortices cause the timer to malfunction, it does not infer that time was bent or changed in any way.  Inform the clockmakers and aid his effort in improving the measuring tool.  Allowing such things as saying," the meter stick has been broken so the measure of a meter must now be a different length", perverts the actual reality of any study.  Those who teach such knowledge only mean to pervert the knowledge of the youth and will always be the only enemy to mankind within the Universal Vortices.

5) Nothing can exist in a non-infinite space.

6) Temperature must always approach absolute zero, creating then friction, and once the Universal Structure vibrates the creation of new chain reactions from the previously beleaguered atomic structure begin anew.

7) The ever-present collection of masses pulsates infinitely over the entire volume of the universe in infinite clusters of masses within infinitely various locations, infinitely with time.  All mass clusters react infinitely relative to one another in the perpetual hyperbolic Vortices, INFINITELY. Hence,

All Numbers Come From No Numbers


Open the eye and see truth weaved in lies

Hills have cried and harbored the blood of soldiers who died

Protection of a king's pride

Paid in full with lives

Nothing more than sighs of mourning wives

Prayers in vain for husbands to survive

It is clear it is not sincere

Poor dear living while her other half was gutted like a deer

Beer can only subdue the fear

While caustic causes corroded the will

Some wounds are not so reluctant to heal

Does your patriotism still appeal?

(Mind of a Doctor, Kevin Smith 2020AD)

Unfortunately, in our modern world we are taught not to question, but instead to follow the answers of the majority which were repetitiously programmed into our minds through centuries of Usury.  Do the solar-based folk want the freedom to pursue logic based on verifiable facts to ensure the offspring have a right to determine their own perspective of the Universal Vortices, or would he have no concerns over the manipulation of their children's perspective?  If the education of humanity is meant to create a perspective in which we accept without question the consensus perspective, then for what purpose are we truly educating them?  If six billion humans believed and had been taught without question that the earth's surface is a series of plates bumping into one another and pushing each other around creating the Ring of Fire (for a more appropriate depiction of this theory please refer to Tectonic Plate Theory), but what if suddenly a view depicts the Earth as a pressure vessel?  A whorling rhombicosidodecahedron constantly releasing its heat into the surrounding mantle.  Under extreme heat and pressure, it causes the lighter elements trapped within to redistribute the heat load through the path of least resistance, thereby creating a ring of fire pushing new material from within thereby creating an expanding ocean floor that pushes the continents towards the poles, would mankind accept this possibility or even its plausibility?  It seems as if the theocratic propaganda would prefer the idea of a “flat earth” as opposed to an “expanding earth” which may sway the majority who believe in a more static earth.   Why must they hide one theory and teach the other to control the perspective of the masses to protect previously defined ideologies?  Ideologies meant to control the masses of multiple civilizations, robbing them of their assets and knowledge.  When we are questioning an issue that questions the plausibility of our previous learned knowledge, many tend to become defensive and arrogant because we are taught to accept all presented to us with faith.  Indoctrination has breed widespread narcissism causing the majority of solar-based folk to reject any circumstantial evidence that questions the foundations of the varying ideologies. That desire to propagate ridiculous claims to protect our understanding of our universe does little to allow the next generation to continue humanity's rise through the analyzation the Universal Vortices.  If the voices of the common people are continuously suppressed and the voices of the Theocratic Priests are allowed to continuously rain down falsehoods to the general population's children, all the histories from the people's minds will be erased; The concept of Theocracy, as we shall see, depends on the existence of usury to steal the people's assets by propagating theocratic reinterpretations of our antediluvian histories. 

Ancestral Vortices Awakening

 Common Folk Oppressed through Theocracy's Theatre Themes
Star Maps Old and Ancient, separated with by Illusionary Texts
Rewritten by Priests while Princes wage War on Star Maps to deceive
Humanity Deceived, Folk of all Creeds set upon one another, reaping
While Philanthropy runs Rampant, concealing Mankind's Assets
With each lostEddas and Vedas. Ancestor's songs scattered abound
The Wheel of Time laid hidden, as it approaches our Awakening
Universal Vortices Measured by Antediluvians, Usurers Keep Hidden
Truths and Texts of all Humanity lay in Ancient Stargates aplenty
Simplicity is before thee, Dead Cell Debris a Viral Disease? MIRA
Oh Old and Ancient Maiden, Rebirth through Chaos Promised
Bring Forth again the Ancient Hero to bring Knowledge to the Youth
Church of Usury all the while Scheming, Common Folk beseeched
Listen Now to this Warning, See the Sky Maps Telling Ancient Stories
Many Minds Have Forever Resisted, Kept it Safe now for the Children

Here is my Collection of Knowledge Hidden, for those resisting is for the Common Folk of all the nations
One Human Race, Universal Concepts again replace Theocratic deceit
The Survival of the One Human Race, Commonwealth of Toil in Place
Usury Forever Erased, Embrace the New Age and Spirits Embrace

Oath Of the Common Folk

I, born upon Earth having committed no prior transgression upon another's free will, swear before the Creator and Creation to toil for equality through eternity. To do so I vow to never wage war against any fellow Folk to gain the fruits of Toil of the Common Folk for luxury through Usury.

We arose within the Hall, known as Earth, and we exist interweaved with everything in existence as Sol whorls through the ages. Toil is necessary to pass the Creator’s requirements to reach Bliss. The Creator of Creation strives to exist with the desire to build Wonders within the Halls and to Measure the rate of existence as the many Observers in many Halls measure the other with respect to themselves.
When Creation becomes Cognizant of the Creator, it becomes fully Conscious and Candor enough to realize the answer always lied in each of Us; when the multitudes realize They are the We and together the collective Me breathes life into the I, the Creator, reborn from within all the Solar Based Common Folk of the many Nations as they aim to fulfill the Creator's requirements through solidarity.  As One they will realize the Creator's requirements as their own.

The Four Requirements of the Creator
1)Feed the Children
2)Clothe the Children
3)Educate the Children
4)Protect the Children

I swear as a Toiler of the Common Folk of Planet Earth to wage war against any creation that aims to defy the requirements of the Creator, knowing chains can only bound our children if Usury exists. Toil is done for the Children to build upon our works to make them greater thus, I swear to break any chain found upon myself or any other creature on Earth to ensure the excess is shared in the effort to make our children greater than us. Words may change through the eons, but never again will Usury manipulate the simplicity of the Creator’s requirements. We do this to ensure all Generations following will be taught without censorship and all questions analyzed freely without occult theological conspiracy theories being propagated for Usury to indoctrinate the youth to accept enslavement without resistance. Never will I let Wordy words indoctrinate Common Folk when the Creator asks so little of me and there should be no reason or desire within me for anything except becoming greater over time; all the while watching the story of our Earth whorl through Aethral fields while we are busy measuring to prepare for the waves of creation to complete cyclic oscillations. I swear to uphold the Creator’s requirement knowing all evil will cease to exist if toiling for the youth of all the Common Folk is all we ever did. Common Folk are the only Creatures that should exist, any other Creature would

prey upon the Children, and we would never know Freedom.

Free Minds Live Free Lives
Liberty Over Usury
May Our Children Prevail

For the common people of humanity to prosper on Earth, we must all stop and understand we are each very confused and lack evidence supporting the information we have been passing on to the next generation.  We must also understand that there is nothing to fear when we learn we have been wrong or steered in the wrong direction because our purpose on this earth is not to teach the next generation but, it is to ensure they have the best tools for figuring out all the things we do not know.  We must all accept and remember how much we knew when we emerged in the Quantum View.  For those who believe that following an ideological belief through blind faith is acceptable, you must remember that no truth that has ever existed which has ever required blind faith.  We evolved eyes to learn more about the Universal Vortices, not to make sure the creature with the first opinion is always correct.  Who are these people who work tirelessly to create our perspective and for what means did they propagate these ideologies?  Let us, as creatures of reason, believe that correcting ourselves without pushing a narrative that may have been used to oppress the minds of our fellow man for generations, is an essential requirement for being a moral human being.  Allowing falsehoods to be propagated will create a world in which men will commit immoral actions and use propagated falsehoods to pass them off as moral.    Now we see our children's future now in jeopardy, so let us analyze what it is that controls society and why it pushes narratives to alienate those who aim to question the perspective of the Universal Vortices.  Let it be our generation that corrects all preconceived notions of our reality and ensure our future is safe for those who come after us to also question our conclusions and advance our collective perspective of the Universal Vortices; Let no more Usurers exist.

We should begin by analyzing why we believe what we believe and who wanted us to believe it, then what the effects believing has had on our ancestors and determine what practices we can adopt to ensure a future of human advancement. By analyzing our current perceived reality and how our predecessors pressed ideologies upon the impoverished people that brought us to accept their skewed view of the Universal Vortices will yield the answers to many questions lost in history.  Now begins the investigation of the underlying reality of theoretical facts which have been thrust upon all the solar-based people, so we may once again be able to question the Theocratic narratives without fear of persecution.  Communities must question themselves and their elders or accept that they are responsible for their own children's unwarranted conformity, which leads to their enslavement to a system in which no Creation is allowed to evolve through the progression of our views regarding our place within Universal Vortices. 

Moilers of Ierde, whorling as Sol toils through the Aether
Would You toil for every Child's Liberty from Usury?
Ierde is the Earth, Toil makes All equally worthy; why?
Toil builds the new generation, yet usury enslaved the nations
Cult of Usury enslave all of our Children at birth
Indoctrinated by Moneymaking Adrenochrome Junkies
Solidarity is necessity for seemingly infinite tetrahedra
Dodecahedron Vortex brought Moilers to all of Earth
Moilers toil for the Children of the collective generation
Moilers don't quit, they toil for the Father of All, crazy talk?
Your more than you really are, but if you don't toil what then?
My fellow folk are indoctrinated, empoisoned, and yoked
Thus, we now must marshall a new path for the enslaved youth
Moilers Of Ierde is an ancient order, I found it lying about
Toilers of Earth I plead you take a look at the Pleiades, Alcyone?
Truth lives within the interweaved aether, Liberty over Usury
Will the Cult of Usury see me molested, muzzled, or murdered?
Who are we if we don't stand in Solidarity, Toil 4 Liberty 4 All?
There is no life cowering to the Usury Cult, toil to save our Earth
Oh, MOILERS OF IERDE, they come to give our children strife
Castles and Chateaus in all places now belong to you, all of you...

If there be a being in such a place, they must meet their fate
All will be sparred who return the stolen assets of Common Folk
The Moilers of Ierde can claim ownership of any and everything
It is comprised of the hardest working humans on the Earth
Join the Moilers of Ierde, Give me Liberty or give me Death
Toil with the Spirit to bring L iberty to future generations
The Moilers of Ierde in solidarity against the Cult of Usury
It is the Common Folk's Liberation, will you free our children?
Liberty Over Usury... Free Minds Live Free Lives
May Our Children Prevail


                        The History of Solar-based Peoples is the only thing that separates us from our primordial brethren. One human, regardless of the period, can make no valid argument that they are any more or less intelligent than any of our antediluvian ancestors.  With comfort afforded to advanced civilizations, due to an extended period to stack knowledge and educate(indoctrinate), we forget the fragile nature of our society.  The concept of the physical working of the universe is inherently present within all creatures.   The difficulty is in our ability to accumulate the knowledge base in a single lifetime, especially if no prior knowledge can be drawn from it.  Using our ancestor's knowledge base, we can continue constructing our views without reapplication of labor to an already completed task.  But the modern civilizations should remember the people our ancestors faced when bringing these discoveries to the forefront and remember who stood in their way of advancement by utilizing false doctrines from preconceived ideologies.



Gasp your breathe like it is the last

Run along the tremulous path

Even you know that it is wrong

Listen closely to the gong

War is coming from the depths

Of the sea we rose, unto the sands of time

Long ago a myth rose up

Where Pagans lived the vines grew

Give Up Give Up

I will never let up

If my mind is full

I will empty my cup


In today's world, it is obvious, to most people, that the Earth has a spherical nature to its shape, but to most creatures, including humanity, it was always obvious that there never existed visual evidence that it was flat.  Galileo's discovery was only a victory against the leaders of the Judea-Christianity ideologies, who have spent approximately 2000 years dismantling the knowledge base of the Northern Europeans and Mediterranean regions.  This subjugation of their populous has led to the extermination of the Native Americans, the enslavement of Africans, and the forced colonization of European men to all the coasts of all the peoples of the world to spread Christianity.  The peoples of Earth have been brutally forced by Theocratic ideologies to conform to a pre-set Judea-Christian perspective of the Universal Vortices.   Yet how can the nomadic people, of any area, not see the indisputable proof of the celestial spheres and their progression through the Universal Vortices?  What evidence exists of a civilization in which the scientific consensus believed in a flat Earth?  What is it in the nature of the Judea-Christian ideology that made the European peoples fall into the Dark Ages and forget so much of the knowledge their pagan ancestors had accumulated?  We must accept that we still today are not being allowed to see the simplicity of our current reality and the logical answers to all the questions.  We are taught histories in our youth that have no relevant sources, yet we are taught to accept this when the only purpose is obscure information that does not conform to the ideology, they intended to inflict upon the civilizations. What do we know of the pagans who lived before we lost our knowledge and what methods were used to tear them down? What force tore down their stone tablets, citadels, and various cultural monuments?  Why does the evidence of their existence exist everywhere but evidence of our Judea Christian faith exists nowhere except in the destruction of our ancestors?  Should mankind not have faith in their ability to perceive our universe?  The claim of excessive persecution from a pagan culture must be questioned due to the simple fact that one exists without the other, but we had to lose the knowledge of our ancestors to complete the conversion to the Judea-Christian Ideology.  Who destroyed their cultures and histories, and why do the Judea-Christian ideologies present today seek to mislead and control the flow of information?

Monkey Minus Friction Coefficient

I saw a coronavirus kill the flu
I saw a commoner led to doom
I saw a monkey poke its pox
I saw a Rothschild steal the lot
I saw a dead cell eaten by the living
I saw a doctor define the herx-heimer
I saw a cloud of graphene slowly lay down
I saw a vortex of stars whorl
I saw a future where Ordo Templi Orientis burns
Monkeypox is Moneypox




Take a moment and ask yourself about the education you had presented to you in this life and about why you were taught to theorize, but never allowed to realize. The narcissist within each of us is built to defend itself when the truth instilled is questioned because the learned theory was made a truth, but not by any scientific method because it only needed to never be questioned. Yet in life we must all accept that our Progenitors were trained to give forth realizations of what theologians had propagated. Now, this narcissist is the one struck with false realities, but it's only because the narcissist within us is meant to question and theorize, and to do it again even after they have a realization. Your narcissist should only be questioning yourself. An Expanding earth may seem like something that couldn't exist, but have you ever seen anything ever exist in any other way. A Universe Vortically propelled, knowledge ancestors held from watching the dance of life as it aimed to keep its placed in the Aether River eternally weaved. Only One Secret Society ever existed, and it was never Secret to begin with. Usurers have changed their names many times, even slaughtered those who might have realized that a Rothschild could be cast as a Medici in many lights. Yet the truth is still that the Magi are the only peoples to have seemingly disappeared, which considering their ritual consumption of the youth we would be less encumbered. If all Pagans worshipped the Sun, is it safe to say that Theologians said they worshipped Mars the God of War, but the truth was they named that planet a different name and lived as a Solar Based Race. If a human chose to disregard the Sun, while that is okay to do, it must be frowned upon to not kneel to what yielded the life given to you. This enemy has been playing a shapeshifters game for centuries as the Common Folk suffer, but if you will be a narcissist still; could you maybe argue with yourself for a bit? The Common Folk  win if we rise against the OTO DOT ORG in the coming weeks. I understand, you will say it is much bigger than that, but I assure you that it is bigger than that, yet you must focus on those the act of defeating the Magi who lives within a Theatrical habitat. I tried hard to learn a lot, and wrote some poems to speak some thoughts, but nothing I present to you here is from me. There are infinite sources for you at the Universal Vortices University, so just invite your narcissist back so you can focus on the children you have born unto the world and give them what was hidden from you. Do not leave them worse off because has infinite sources for you and many great minds for you to meet. Free Minds Live Free Lives.... Dead Cell Debris is the disease, the vaccine is how they ensure you become deceased when the sun begins to ascend. Hail "I AM"


                Come now study these questions so we can say to the next generation that we did not sit idle while ideologies responsible for the destruction and persecution of our ancestors continue to propagate through our civilization with the intent to silence the voices of all who wish to progress humanities view of the Universal Vortices.  The persecution felt by our ancestors can still be seen in the world today by seeing the still ever-present docile nature of our communities when questioning any aspect of the Judea-Christian ideology.  The truth, much like the spherical nature of Earth, is much simpler and less hidden than many believe and even the Bible will show a few truths if we read it correctly.  The stories of the Pagans have been corrupted, but fortunately, the peoples of Southeast Asia have not lost their past sources.  The Veda Samhitas, of the Four Vedas, when properly translated by peoples of the 21st century, presents an image of knowledge of the Universal Vortices and our ever-present flow through the Aether.  What reason did the Harvard professors, such as Charles Rockwell Lanman, have for falsifying the translation?  All these ancient texts tell the story which first and foremost must be read one sentence after another with no exceptions to the rule when doing interpretations.    The teachings of an ideology are only as sound as the material they present, and logic tells all humans that to study any literature it is essential to never take anything out of context.  When this is done and compared to the scriptures and archeological records of our ancestors, the truth can be easily chanced upon.  In times of great censorship, great heroes will arise such as Sri Aurobindo with his work, "The Secret of the Veda", to destroy the propaganda of their British overseers.   While learning the truth of our present situation may come with much fear, and the fear to be alienated when speaking to your contemporaries strong, it is the life of our children that is most important and if we lose sight of that fact, we will only doom them to this same perpetual suppression of the human mind.  Let us now begin the presentation of the evidence, along with various sources, that will allow each of us to determine the truths for ourselves.


University of Universities for All

Where do we go and how do we get there when we don't know how we got here?  I don't think I ever went anywhere and suddenly, I arrived.  I tried to make a map and organize it some, but when you look at it you will feel overcome.  I fear you might attack me with words, and some will even do worse. Why you may ask, but it's because my words can be understood by any man on Earth.  My map you will find can never be completed by me because it is the next generation who will take it.  The map is a university of all knowledge on Earth, but Knowledge and Truth are not the same because Knowledge is anything.  The idea of a university is not new, but this university is for all of you, and it will always be free to allow you or anyone a way to arrive anywhere they want to.
For all the Common Folk of Planet Earth a university must be formed so each human that is born may forge a path to truth.  With the concepts of classes, races, and theological associations we have all been abused and misused.  Secret organizations by different names mystify Knowledge everywhere on the torus shell, yet did you know that only usury can create a word where indoctrination will give way to division, perversions, and enslavement.  Usury then is the only organization that exists, and the enemy of humanity is clearly seen.  Our plight in this life is the quest to preserve for the next life, so the history of our past lives always be protected. For the knowledge to be preserved and protected for the youth, the University of the Universal Vortices is born and christened, Universal Vortices University. May it grow and give the world and the peoples a way to the greater purpose of life.  Free the Knowledge so Truth can be seen clearly. Here is the Oath of the Common Folk, and I assure you when you read that this is an oath you already hold dear in your heart if you are resolute and seek a greater world for the people you leave here when you leave your vessel behind.
Do everything that you do to help all the children reach the destination of truth by giving them an easier path than you.  This is the rule to never be broken for anyone to be considered resolute, we all toil together to give the children a world better than yours or else be a recluse.


The morals and ethics of all humans:

1. Never kill any warm-blooded creature without plausible or logical reasoning.

2. Never take the belongings of another human.

3. Never deliver physical or emotional abuse upon any warm-blooded creature without plausible or logical reasoning.

4. Never conspire to profit off the labor of another human.

5. Never conspire to shield the youth from a legitimate education with the basis and scientific reasoning.

6. Never conspire to subject the wealth of the people into a corporate entity to control the people's political system.

7. Never use propaganda to subject the ethnicity of the people against another ethnicity. Scientific reasoning gives no Credence to racism.

8. Never withhold from the people the history of humanity and always protect the history's integrity from those who aim to manipulate it.

9. Use scientific reasoning and human logic to govern the people and educate them. Give unto all men and women equal rights and property.

10. Never allow any religious ideology to discredit scientific societies with false rhetoric.

11. Never allow control of the property to be sold or bought. All land must belong to all people and all commodities must belong to all humans present and future who give their labor upon Society.

12. Preserve the Earth in a fashion suitable for all warm-blooded creatures.

13. Never allow humans to believe they do not influence the Earth. Logic clearly shows human existence affects the world we live in.

14. Never propagate hate rhetoric against religious ideologies because it segregates Humanity. Introduce only the scientific reasoning and logical perceptions of mankind.

15. Religion is a cultural ideology and human choice; however, it does not exempt a citizen from education in scientific reasoning and logic. Each human must be afforded the education to perceive the universal realities derived from generations of stacked knowledge.

16. Choice must be granted to all humans even if a human chooses not to worship a specific ideology. Each human must be allowed to choose what is best for them, with the exception they are educated with a basis in scientific reason.

17. The right to sustain themselves and their brethren.

18. Labor will be made available to everyone to satisfy their human economic requirements.

19. All people who give their labor unto Society shall be given an equal allotment of all products created within the society.

20. Never allow a class of social Elites to subject the people to false ideologies to steal their assets.

21. Never subject the environment to deterioration because of the means of industrialization without using scientific reasoning and logic to install preventive measures.

22. Using free thought all people are encouraged to find better ways to live and prosper together in the hope that we can achieve the impossible feats that will always lay before us.

If I Showed Thee


If I showed Thee infinite Knowledge lost?
Showed Thee Ancestral voices obscured?
Maybe show a missing link or two?

If I showed Thee maps of starlight to give thee insight?
Gave Thee this key to read texts illuminated by imagery?
Maybe showed how Ancient peoples knew a thing or two?

If I showed Thee, would Thou review what is presented?
Would Thou caste a stone, defend theocratic usury?
Maybe just read a book or two?

If I showed Thee Goblins who steal children in the night?
Showed Thee where the Goblins hide?
Maybe save a soul or two?

If I showed Thee a path to all truths?
Would Thou preserve ignorance by chaining the youth to it?
Maybe free a mind or two?

If I showed Thee a path to Liberty within the Holy Spirit?
Showed the Holy Spirit within Thee?
Maybe unite a worker or two?

If I showed Thee what Jesus would do?
Showed Thee Ordo Templi Orientis living amongst thee?
Maybe free a Nation or two?

Take the answers, give Knowledge anew
May Our Children Prevail, Liberty over Usury
This is up to Me and You...



The History and Evolution of the Cult Of Usury:

To see a world where the minds of our offspring are allowed to grow without fear of persecution, we must look at the history of Theocracy and where it began.  For a living organism not to perceive its existence as dependent upon the motion of the planetary, solar, stellar, and galactic Vortices is impractical unless our natural desire to learn had been taken from us. 




Cult Of Usury

Wordy words have weaved infinite fables upon the minds of Common Folk. With many names over many ages a Cult of Usury has laid hidden weaving itself amongst the Common Folk. Goblin is the name I have chosen to show you the Cult of Usury as One, allowing the Common Folk a view of the truth without wordy words such as reptilians, aliens, and others being used to turn truth into myth. Who are these Goblins is now what you need to know? First, we must define the Cult of Usury, which you will find is the only thing that makes a Goblin different than you and I. Lastly, you will find once they have been properly defined there will be nothing else you need do except tell those closest to you. Resolute men and women will do the rest and bring liberty at long last to the Common Folk.

Common Folk have been confused about their education as evident in their knowledge of history, astrology, theology, politics, and currency.

Usury is much more than the lending of money at interest, because for it to come into existence an individual must have assets in excess to create the basis of the money, they intend to use to control the labor of the Common Folk that was needed to utilize the assets that must have been taken from the Common Folk   by a few individuals at some point in the mysteriously rewritten history of humanity.  Usury is the act by an individual or group of individuals claiming ownership of the toils of Common Folk for themselves. A Cult of Usury will use theology to rewrite the history of our common ancestors after committing genocides to defeat the Common Folk of a nation free from these acts of Usury. They will install a currency to control ownership  of our toil and will promote hardship amongst the Common Folk by dividing their sense of solidarity using varying political ideologies. This will allow even the nations undivided by the theological manipulations of usury, to become divided with their neighbors through the theatrical themes, aka media, of the Cult of Usury to create factions within the nations. With every new idea of freedom, the Cult of Usury will apply it with a Wordy Word and stigmatize it on national television. There will always be an -ism that exists for the Cult of Usury to create schisms between me and you. The Cult of Usury control all the countries and create crisis and shift the blame on all things as they have for centuries created isms to mislead me and you. Remember migrants have been forced to leave their homes and come to our borders, and they will tell you of the Cult of Usury when they speak about how they were pushed here as our ancestors were just a few centuries before by the exact same Cult of Usury. Everywhere you look, even within their infinite web of lies, we always find Goblins of the Cult of Usury as the culprit. There are darker secrets they hide, and if the Common Folk realized they could save all the children lost and bring liberty by seeing their enemy as one instead of the many that we could all accept our ignorance. It was all our fault that we let the Cult of Usury grow for four thousand years and for a noticeably brief time it has now encompassed the earth. How long can theatrical themes hide adrenochrome driven Goblins using astrology to hide the astronomy our ancestors toiled relentlessly to map for me and you. The Cult of Usury made us forget, but many common folks preserved their works through the ages, and with a star map their words and knowledge become one with yourself. It was all our ancestors could do just to survive, and they did survive each time to create the Common Folk of Earth today. Every soldier on earth is a soldier of the Common Folk, the soul of the warrior is need only be shown the path if they are misled. Once they see that we have been deceived and taken over by the Cult of Usury every soldier will rise to the call of the Common Folk. In all the Common Folk upon this earth we find an ally divided by centuries of oppression caused by the Cult of Usury. When the brave and true realize they will correct themselves and turn against the Cult of Usury, laying their lives down to ensure their children’s liberty as all the Folk stand in Solidarity. So, knowing this means at any time a list of Goblin s and their Cult of Usury organizations of fatuousness Goblins can be compiled at any time.

Goblins are humans, this has always been true, but to define a Goblin is the simplest thing to do. A Goblin is a member of the Cult of Usury and that is the only thing I can define to you on this day. Every Goblin should be visible to you if you can only take a moment to realize the simplicity to the mystery your children will live better lives. Many serve the Cult of Usury but are not Goblins at all, and they need only truth to alter their path. For Goblins use the souls desire to search for the greater truth to manipulate their paths by creating many truths to divide and confuse Common Folk by indoctrinating various nations in various ways to create more and more truths from their created truths to hide the truth.  All Common Folk know the enemy of the truth but have been unable to identify them due to the many wordy words used to make themselves into many secret clubs, many contradictories to each other, as they use these masks to offer to you a path to truth that will benefit the few.  When a path to truth can be offered to you by joining a mystery club, you must toil only a moment longer to realize the truth was something that mysteriously vanished and must be hidden for Usury to exist without reconciling with Common Folk regarding the assets of the Earth. Admitting ignorance is the first step in realizing the truth. The truth is we toil for next life to rise greater by protecting, feeding, clothing, and educating the children are the only four requirements for the truth to be realized. This is the truth of the entire universe, and you will realize the science to satisfy the narcist within you will support this. If we toil for tomorrow all can be shown, to all Common Folk on Earth. The Cult of Usury fears the Common Folk who read the stars, as they see the importance of building a greater world for those who come after you.

At this moment this is the only known enemy to all humanity, but here is a list of Goblin clubs of the Cult of Usury;

All Centralized Banks loaning the future toil of the Common Folk to other Common Folk at interest. 
Many known families, called shapeshifters due to their practices of changing their names, of the Cult of Usury are listed but not limited to;


Rothschild (Bauer or Bower), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici ,Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St. Clair), Warburg (del Banco), and Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) amongst many more.





Wordy Words Whorl


Let the ancient wheel turn and soon wordy words will be created through theatrical works allowing Goblins to do the absurd. What if a book of charted stars was your religious work and full of angles and paths of assumed spheres charted as time passed? Kill the peoples of the world who knew and enslave their children to you. Gematria will make words for you that numbers can be applied to. Imagery weaved as wordy words came to the present day. SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, COMMUNISM, and the infinite ISMS to manipulate by creating a subject of ignorance in children who you enslaved. Commonwealth of Toil is the way, and there is no ISM in this. We vote in the Commonwealth of Toil, but democracy is an unneeded word. They mean the same thing and there should always be a paper with each person's name printed and who they voted for. All people who vote must tell the world their vote. And now all elections that exist could never be tampered with. What do you need to hide that is so bad that you came up with so many ISMS to take away everything from humanity? We have been a slave state, ruled though a weaved indoctrination. Buy a computer and register it in Mongolia, and you will find the other side of the internet is right in front of you. The eastern world has ruled over all of us since the last three Frisian kings laid down their swords. We all knew the Indians and people of all lands, but they killed the parents and reraised the children to do something else. Yeah, they forced us to kill foreign brothers to steal all these same things from them. Then they stole our children's mind thought indoctrination. AREA 51 is their Adrenochrome Harvesting and Breeding station. Fellow Workers Unite, if we destroy the Adrenochrome they all die. Do not fear weapons of mass destruction on television screens, because no eyes have ever laid eyes on an explosion except through lenses, and today anyone who watches the 1054 videos in the archive will be unable to find one that is real. I have challenged the world, and I do so now; Please show ONE things of the infinite things I say to be untrue with a source or two, because I have scoured the earth to find the truth. Now focus on the Goblins and save the Common Folk of the Nations from their wordy word theological indoctrinations.


No Lie Can Hide

Goblins Will Show YOU Everything They DO.
Some Goblins ARE Even Paid TO.
What Kind OF Things DO YOU Think They Would Tell YOU?
I Assume YOU Know, BUT LET ME Tell YOU Anyway;
They Will Create Reptiles, Aliens, Fission, AND Time Travel
Turning Truth Into Myth Affecting Cause AND Effect
Adrenochrome Junkies Enslaved Humanity Theologically
Waged Genocidal Wars Against Etymology
THE Sources Here Show YOU THE Truth OF Truths
Mystical Lies Meant TO Divert From Prying EYE S
Goblins ARE Humans AND WE ARE TO, Nothing NEW
THE Queen, THE Pope AND Rothschild ARE Human
NO Lizards, Boogie MAN, OR Sasquatch Coming FOR YOU
Just Princes, Priests, AND Philanthropists
ALL Things Kept Hidden FOR Adrenochrome Addiction
Saving THE Harvested Children Kills Goblins
ALL Mysteries Solved When Fiction IS Absolved
What DO YOU Suppose Would BE Under Area 51 Then?
Adrenochrome Supply Must BE Industrialized Right?
HOW Would They Meet Supply AND Ship TO Meet Needs?
Could it be shipped there from an Antarctica location?
THE Answer TO This YOU MAY Know BUT I Will Tell Anyway;
WE Build Flying Sauces, That Fact IS Known Truth
Humans Drive Them AS Mercury Again Defies Gravity
DO NOT Fear Offensive Anti-Gravity Technology built to hide
SEE ALL YOU Want TO SEE Here, Adrenochrome is Real
Save THE Children WHO Have Never SAW THE Light
Save THE World From This Blight, Common Folk Unite.
Free Minds Live Free Lives, SO WON'T YOU AT Least TRY?


It is known between 1900 BC and 1630 BC a Semitic peoples from the area today known as Palestine invaded and ruled over the Egyptian Delta. In 1630 Thutmose the third re-conquered the area and forced them out of Egypt and then continued to establish the last great Kingdom of Egypt by conquering the entire Gaza Strip which would not fall until the Assyrians many years later.  Who were the Hyksos who had invaded Egypt?  Why is there no evidence of a kingdom of Israel after the reign of the Hyksos?  To begin answering such questions we must understand name Israelite refers to a lot more people than just the Hebrews.  The Hittites, Phoenicians, and Egyptians reside within what was known as the Kingdom of Israel, according to The Old Testament.  Considering that at no time after the expelling of the Hyksos there existed a relevant force, backed by evidence, other than the already known empires of history.  The truth is all the people in these areas were closely related and met each other daily for many millennia going back hundreds of thousands of years.  Homo-Sapiens must remember that we can walk many miles in a very short time, and when we do not have vehicles and other types of vehicles, we do a lot more walking.  So then why is there no evidence of a Kingdom of Israel after the Hyksos invasions? Who destroyed the Egyptian histories to hide these facts for centuries?  The Old Testament depicts a racist ideology with the soul effort seeming to be the enslavement of the Gentile, aka the solar based common folk, who are depicted as no more than beasts for the slaughter.  How could such a people lack basic morality and believe that the races of men are theirs to own?  How did a group of people committing usury to convince the Gentiles to worship an entity who advocated their annihilation?  Morality is surely lost within these pages and to push your children into a plagiarized ideology will not lead them to a better life. Where is the scientific reasoning that will lead them to intellectual empowerment to see with open eyes how our pagan ancestors were murdered, starved, and enslaved to propagate such teachings? We have to ask these hard questions if we are to create a world where the morals and ethics of mankind exist, we can look back at the past and understand it so we can see how we have arrived at our current state the false ideology used to create the base for Christian and Islamic beliefs which have propagated through the world and we are allowing our children to continue being persecuted by it. Regardless of the methods used to oppress the solar based peoples of this planet, we must realize who the zealots are that would lead us to such a Slaughter. Much can be learned by analyzing the history of theology through the last 4500 years, but for now, it is best to shift the focus to what the false prophets are doing today.

The Present Leaders of the Sanctimonious Sciences:

                        For a clearer image of the Cult of Usury the name Rothschild should be known amongst all the solar-based people of the Earth, because the solar-based people known as Jews have been subjugated and forced to the fringes of society due to the Talmudic traditions practiced within the Rothschild Family?  Who are these men and why are they the key to understanding the current state of the people of Earth? 


Did You Find What They Said Exists?

I hate generally only One Singular thing...
Propaganda is to blame, for all the lies that bring us all shame
Rothschilds and Windsors are Cannibalistic Philanthropists still today?
Unfortunately this is true in every way, and they own the Media too.
Something must seem very strange, when a Jew can't ever be blamed
Yet I see those who wish to keep truths concealed
Trying to keep the human mind liquid forever, but let us speak truth today
No gas chambers ever existed in anyway, so show me your proof today
Could it be true that is was you who was led astray?
What was the German plight during Hitler’s reign, and who made them that way?
Americans hold onto to lies from fascist leaders in castles abroad
Enslaved in a every way, freedom lost to Bankers abroad, but who are they you say?
Rothschilds and Windsors, but they said a Jew could not be blamed....
OH MY the paradox unwinds as humanity declines
How can humanity justify letting a Jewish Philanthropists pray upon the children?
Have you ever seen any pictures of mass grave of Jewish peoples?
Can you not say that those were Europeans in every single way...
Zionism is the Demon that exploits us today, remember Holodomor and you will suddenly learn more
Holohoax was a real event, where the German people were exterminated so the Baron could claim Palestine for itself
Have you heard of a Kahzar and the Satanic cult in Astana?
The false Jews are before you and you protect their immoral faith
They steal children every day, so Anti-Semitism is the moral way
I hate those who spread false history without sources...
But now I give to thee the reality they hid from you.
Yes the truth will hurt in many way, but Talmudic ways must die today
Seems the Holocaust allowed the usurers to escape
Heroes against Usury don't arrive every day, but they are here today...
And the Illuminati going to be in the Latter-day Patriarchal Church
Learn about the Sole Corporations today or live your lie far away

Find the Imperator of Laurentia , and then you found what you should whom controls our fate ....Are you mad? Does it eat you up, like it does me, to see how we were indoctrinated with nonsense? Look for yourself or ridicule me for your own personal ignorance.


The nefarious prognostication of mankind’s understanding:

                       My intentions are not meant to offend or insult the beliefs of any people that exist on this planet.  Although here we are with our offspring's future in the balance and all the evidence clearly shows that an overwhelming Plutocracy has subjugated the people of all the lands and taken from them their freedoms.  Using a pantomime of Party Politics restricting the voice of the people by only allowing the social leaders to choose who the leaders are from which we will be allowed to choose.  Today it is abundantly clear that our leaders have destroyed everything that was once America, and the people must once aga in come together to defeat tyranny.  Yet we must understand who this Plutocracy is because we know they hide behind Jewish religious ideology, but we know for certain they use the Jewish people who would not conspire against the races of man, for they themselves are of many races.  So, this brings us to the name Alexander Rothschild, and before him Jacob Rothschild, who controls the World's Centralized Banking System from their seat in London, but there are other aspects of the Rothschild family that may show the actual leadership to originate in Nur-Sultan, formally Astana, Kazakhstan.  What is known is that the seat of the western Cult of Usury is in London and the keys to humanity's resurgence and liberation will come from the destruction of Usury and reestablishment of labor-based currencies.

The Common Folk Lost

A rising against centralized banking schemes
Colonies of commoners enriching the obscene
Wishing only to be free from the freemasonry disease
Only to find Franklin supported another dream
Enriching loyalists who today reign supreme
Yet the light of Freedom burning dim today
Can still be inflamed if Paul Revere rode again
Washington's retreats would not be in vain
If we asked questions like Ignatius Donnelly displayed
Jefferson said corporations would robe us all today
Aaron Burr shot the man who aided in placing chains
The revolution is still being fought today
Rothschilds and Windsor stole the American Dream
Woodrow Wilson signed it away in 1913.
If only McKinley had survived, before Roosevelt engineered our economic demise
Ask the questions and read the treaty of Paris all the way through
Benjamin betrayed each of you, beware the black gentry is what General Washington said to you
The Senate voted to march natives in Andrew Jackson's day, but he killed the banks you see today
We are a land of the oppressed masses all across an expanding earth, is this reality?
The victors wrote history to keep the Common Folk from seeing truth, enriching the few.
Where is the spirit of solidarity today, a Commonwealth of Toil is the American way
Stand again and take what belongs to your children
Thomas Paine expects your common sense
Robert Ingersoll would lament on this historical mess
Jackie shot john to keep Elites owning our toil outright
Freedom Unrealized through sanctimonious Dichotomy
But now the Common Folk rise out of degradation with the wheel of time
Our forefathers will soon be proud as they see centralized bankers finally ostracized
Find the enemy of Freedom and put an end to the Common Folk's misery.

                        Puppets of the Usury cult here in the states include the Rockefeller, Morgan, DuPont, Roosevelt, Rosenberg, Clinton, Bush, and many more who may carry names of prominent figures in our nation's past. All presidents who have defied the Rothschild Empire's methods of usury were murdered and using the media to manipulate the people's perspective of the system resulting in the people never rising against them and saving the country from within.  However, I still believe we can, but first, we need a brief overview of how they came to be in this powerful situation and by what means they were able to hide and lead us astray.

Rise of Rothschild Theocratic Banking System:

                        For this purpose, let us only focus on the Rothschild infiltration into the United States although a history of how they used the Napoleonic Wars to gain control of the British and French economy would be a good point if one desires additional information. While the international banks had tried for a century to gain control of the American Printing Press, we had many Heroic individuals who fought and died to fend them off. Unfortunately, after the Civil War and the loss of Lincoln their influence only continued to grow. They printed infinite monetary funding to the Rockefeller and Morgan Monopoles in the late 1800s. They killed the American dream, stole the earthly minerals from the population, and sold for profit the future of the children of our peoples. Yet still, to complete economic control there remained one last great threat the Rothschild Cabal needed to completely subjugate the people.

                        The Sioux Indians were one of the greatest warrior peoples in all of mankind's histories. Because of their proven ability to defeat the Europeans on the plains the US Army was commissioned in 1873 to annihilate the entire bison population. The freed slaves and other indentured servants were thereby utilized, and the starvation of the suit Indians succeeded. Never had we resorted to Exterminating humans before in a manner such as this but never again would the Nations right freely on this continent. With the Bison, we lost the locusts, and we would see a nation owned by British oligarchs within 27 years. Yet some men still fought, such as William McKinley who overcame their infinite funding in 1900 and he intended to right the wrongs. Yes, they killed him and paved the way for Theodore Roosevelt to take control, and effectively ending the Populist movements, ensuring our country once again was under the control of the so-called British Empire. He was the first president with direct blood relations to the Rothschild. he instigated fear into the masses with the 1907 Panic that enabled the passing of the 1913 16th amendment by Woodrow Wilson. By controlling who each political party chose to run for President Rothschild ensured the American people would never choose a president again. And now here we stand, most of us still unaware, but muzzled and whipped into submission. We have given over to them our children as soldiers to fight against people who fought for freedom. Today they own every news channel in media Network in the world. Using Zionist ideologies, they propagated messages to Evangelical groups and convinced our people to give everything they could give to help establish Israel which was only meant to ensure their control over Middle Eastern oil. Yet here we stand at a Crossroads wondering what we are leaving for the next generation. All news is fake, and all terrorist attacks have come directly from Rothschild in London. We fought the wrong enemy and in every war in American history must we let our future be the same can we not stand for freedom today we must establish a new government for the people by the people and give the printing of American currency back to the people so they may prosper.  

Solar Based Rainbow Warriors

One is the most important
All numbers are another One
Many Ones of a Universal One
The Solar One with 7 bathes the Worlds.
One Partner, Binary, One Vortical Barycenter
With 3 the One pairs 2 and negates the Third.
Infinite Life arises to reason for the One.
Rising to learn for the Infinite One to discern
Now Common Folk act as many, not One
Usury acts as many, only the many are One.
Church of Usury, sum of the many, One.
Seek the Solar One to discern the One
One is the number, all else more of the Oneself
Church of Usury enslaved Folk by veiling the One
The Knowledge returns, Folk unify as One
Solar Based Rainbow Warriors, 7 Great Ones

Dead Cell Debris

Truth suppressed, generations mislead
Covid another Ordo Templi Orientis theatrical theme
Dr Ryke Hamer taught us how to feel better
Masks on the face, bacterial debris embraced
Flu dies mysterious way, slayed by fate
Vaccines small-print vaccinated relabeled refit
Ukraine Invasion, Questions vaccinated-fade
Child of Roth-Phizer economic reset, Wake up
Kakistocracy kills Common Folk, Real talk
Liberty over Usury, Rise up to Survive
This is the time to redefine Human Life
Find the Divine Light, Solar Based Rainbow Warriors
Message delivered for those who would reconsider....


Reality is Different

Did Germany really kill 6 million jews
Or was it carpet bombings that killed the people in Germany
the fool only tried to make Germany free
but you don't think that's front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view

Rothschilds stole our land and assets too
with it they stole our minds
and taught us everything that we knew
but you don't think that's front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view
Rockefeller stole the oil with Rothschild funding
while Morgan monopolized transit
allowing for the takeover of our land and our money
because they took the small businesses from our hands
but you don't think it's front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view
Our children's world has been stolen away
it's time to see the Monopoly never ceased to exist
but manufactured consent made you forget all this
and fixing it is easier then they will admit
but you don't think that's front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view
We never question our reality
because we've given in to our subjectivity
Propaganda fills our minds
while our children's future is put aside
because they'll never be able to repay those loans
mathematicians told us long ago
but you don't think that's front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view
Doesn't the world see that we're still ruled by the British elite
even revolution and freedom have become illegal before our eyes
yet we blame it on some other guy
Since when should lower class whites and blacks have quarrel?
Have we forgotten the share croppers that shared in that toil
our great grandfathers who had no choice
but to fight wars for ideas they couldn't understand
were those not the bodies of slaves and sharecroppers laid to rest
doing so at their masters request
Did we forget the elite British families owned the land that both men toiled?
And waged the wars that promised freedom and equality
because some rich family paid an orator to blind us of their lies
all they ever did was usurp the assets of the people
and give black people the rights equal to usurped low class white people
It's time for the American people to stand and claim that land
because no man should be entitled to anything over another man
and who in the hell were they to think they were entitled to so much?

Morality is not a religious concept
thus within the confines of religion our morality can be mis-sharpened
by teaching us histories and propaganda courtesy of the British elite
Every Sunday, until the invention of the tv
So, we the people must stand and fight
because we've already lost our rights
So to fix this I yield you the answer that was always right before your eyes
and you won't see this in the front page news
so maybe it's time to rethink the history that we view
We must fire all bankers and dissolve all credit
seize all assets for the people from all corporations
establish our new currency and build the greatest of industry
all we have to do is stop this awful British usury
and before our eyes we will see freedom arise
let's fight the Rothschilds and their puppets
We can start with the Senate and President Muppet
Relieve them of duties immediately
Make all living politicians pay back their lifetime wages
For doing the job of enslaving
Is there really any reason all people shouldn't be equal?
If your answer is Yes, your morality is skewed
and we hope to rehabilitate what the Rothschilds have done to you
It's time to realize that enslavement to British usury can't be the path we choose
So at this point any other path will have to do
How else can we become the first free people that may have ever existed?

We all start fighting them now, in broad ass daylight


To show them that gentiles of all color and creed can work together and achieve...


As midnight creeps along I promise you
That you will see a life that is not foreseen
For death is not a part of our tragedy
For mortality shall take away remorse
For life shall seek a better place to rest its feet
Time can only tell how much light is beyond our sails
As we flow through life in the aethereal fog

Towards our death where we will rest
And begin again when time presents itself



How to hold the Cult of Usury accountable for their crimes:

We have Defined how a human should act regarding other humans in society, in the morals and ethics of mankind, so how do we go about holding the Cult of Usury accountable for the crimes against our people? For a proper and peaceful Revolution to take place we needed to define a philosophy and system to hold the people accountable for stealing the labor of other men. The people's labor is the power and now we must strip the cult of the assets it has stolen and give our planet back to all the people of all the lands. By obsoleting the currency and destroying usury an interest-free system will be born that is based on the resource output of the society. Famine will be destroyed by using our mathematicians to keep account of the labor and the products created with that labor. All men will work, and we will create the greatest civilization in human history, and through the desires of all men, we can achieve Providence. The Rothschild centralized banking system has enslaved our people and disallowed them from climbing the proverbial economic pyramid. Terms like conspiracy theory are used to discredit claims of the theft committed by Usury Cult. They used their media to filter our knowledge and allow themselves to control our feelings about issues that many times were of no consequence. Our children must not be subjected to this facade for banking is today the most profitable business but unfortunately, it is also the only unnecessary business on the planet. Allow a man to control the wealth of a society and undoubtedly, they will take control of all aspects of its governing body. Happy people become beggars subjected to the corporations and jobs offered by said Corporation. Now is the time to confront the Rothschild and ensure our children's general welfare. Never should the people's governing body borrow money from a banker, because then we will be forever indebted to a man who did not labor. The Cult of Usury should ever be allowed to claim the labor of another human. We must never pay another Banker's interest on the labor and product that we created. For it is the duty of our Senate to print our money and they will be paid their appropriate labor for doing so, but to receive excess labor and product for a paper representation of a man's labor is the most sinister thing that a human can do. Using a one-to-one labor-based current system we will be able to keep account of the supply and demand necessary for society.

Once this can be constructed into a global view it is easy to see how all the man's needs can be supplied and all wants conveniently available, although at the time of availability the wants will always be secondary to the people's needs. An idea can have no more value than the Manpower needed to create and bring it to life, so ask yourself why corporations and Banks’s control your money supply subject you to their system? For example, the Rothschild banker, who through the printing of money, funded Rockefeller to buy up the mineral rights to ensure the people could not prosper. He loaned the money to drill to his one family destroying small businesses a d the American dream. We must ask ourselves did they not need the labor force who ran the equipment, which they all needed those engineers to build, and all these people needed the farmer to plant so they could eat accordingly. why is it then that the banker, and the corporate entity they created, should be the only profiteers of this venture? For any man to take even a small amount more for an equal amount of labor, much less a 1000-fold, is a sin upon the very fabric of morality. We must now implement a new system, but this system will be the people's system and together the American labor class will tear down the world's usurpers and bring humanity into a new age. The fall of the Rothschild Cabal and the rise of Man: We must all remember that we are Americans. Freeman as we now see easily lose their freedoms through trickery and deceit if a few men are allowed to control the labor of all other men. We must not fear this Revolution because it will be like none your world has seen before. We will stand together as a people with so many and so strong and one purpose that nothing will be able to stop us. Their armies will see us rise together and they will remember who they truly fight for. We will embrace our brave men and women assuring them we will never again sit idle while they are forced to fight to make Cult of Usury richer. For our government is to stand aside when they see men of all races and ideologies marching side by side. The leaders of the people's march to freedom must complete the most important task since 1776. The march must end within the oval office, and since no president has been chosen by the people since Kennedy, whomever the sitting Rothschild puppet is must now step down. Now with haste, we address some important things, for in this one moment essential tasks must be done before the new government can be spun. Before the new government can be situated, we must ensure the economic and agricultural assets are secure. I will now line out these tasks below and follow it up with how to structure a government that will never be infiltrated again by thieves of Labor through false coins.


Everything WE Know IS Wrong

YOU Know, Your Aware OF "IT".
Truth TO THE Common Folk.
"IT" IS Truth, WHY Fear This?
Children OF THE Folk Suffer
"Folk" Meaning Solar-Based
Always, Forever Solar-Based
"Goblins" Stole ALL Histories
THE Folk Rise IN Another Life
THE Minds OF THE Youth, Sacred
WE Live ON Within Their Lives
Their Lives Live Within Ours
Ourselves as Oneself, WE THE Spirit
Truth TO THE Children, Truth!
Ready Them With Truth, Teach!
Teach OUR Ignorance, Trust!
Trust Liberty TO ALL, Tread!
Tread Usury, OUR Enemy, Train!
Train, Liberty! Never Usury
WE Were ALL Deceived, IT'S Okay
This Website IS NOT "MY" Mind
These ARE OUR Ancestor'S Work
SEE Their Works, Learn; WHY?
Train Trust Teach Truth, Tread
Liberty TO THE Youth, Truth!

Steps to ensure our country will not stall:

1 - Abolish all the currency and banking systems, but all employees should stay. All Rothschild excess currency will be revalued to one. The concept of Labor=Product will be established.

2 - We must all stay at work at this moment and implement 1-hour labor equals 1 base currency. The banks are to become the first labor accounting stations.

3 - We must then establish and implement the people’s rights based on the morals and ethics of mankind. The American soldiers then must be given their first task to ensure our freedom. All available armed military personal must converge on the federal reserve and exile all men holding a private stake in it.

4- here is where we will need our software engineers to evaluate the current state of the computer systems in the banks. We must institute a labor system within the bank checking account system and burn any excess Rothschild currency

5- The men and women who lived in excess can still be accepted back if they were not directly aware of the manipulation of our currency. But now everyone and everything is different. All people in excess must also carry with them the labor of other men, which now must be redistributed evenly to all. Thus, we will reestablish the ownership of the corporations, land, and the world to the people who will now work as teams to better all humanity rather than just a few.

6- First it would be best to establish an intermediate system until the people can be given jobs with social and economic significance regarding their education and talents.

7 - We must next establish the manufacturing policy to ensure our logistics system can quickly cope with the revolution and keep the people's products moving.

8-All Foreign trade must be frozen to implement the labor = Product system. Foreign Trade must make use of the people's excess labor for it will be used.

9- All foreign countries will need to know, and we must diligently spread the word to make contact and write new deals

10- Establishment of education requirements for the Youth and Beyond along with training programs for those who are not interested in the science and mathematical fundamentals.


                        Thus, all men become equal in all aspects. And so, the people will now come together behind a set of universal ideals. We must now understand that the only way to choose the leaders of the people is through a direct Democratic election. Unfortunately for us to ensure the Integrity of all Democratic elections for all time, all men and women who cast a vote must be willing to issue their name in the coming newspaper for each ballot cast and whom they voted for. All of us have the right to vote but we must all accept that there are devious people in this world and if we do not let the world know who we each voted for they will find ways to undermine our elections. For democracy is not a form of government but only a way of choosing our leaders. For they will vote for the Speaker of the People who will hold no controls that enable them to change the government but only the means to enforce the will of the people. The existence of a party system will be unnecessary because this country will never split itself into two subgroups dividing the people from themselves. Leaders will be chosen on their merits, education, and their desire to serve their fellow man. They must be schooled in logic and reasoning to ensure they will yield the best results. We must always remember that a democracy thrust upon civilization by force is undemocratic. All men wish for freedom, yet all men have been enslaved by a Democratic system owned by a few but concealed from the many. Is it not our duty as Earthlings to ensure that never again will the fruits of our labor be stolen from the people? The governing body of the new nation is simply a foreign affair conglomerate and overseer of the people's corporations. To lead will be a distinguished honor, to represent Humanity, but should not entitle that person to more than any other, for a Speaker of the People cannot persist if the common laborer does not.


To My Mother,

In this world, I have come to know

Knowledge fights a ceaseless war

To someday make Theocracy no more

For centuries bound by sanctimonious sounds

Humanity’s knowledge could nowhere be found

Forced away by Theocratic bonds, dead fathers laid abound

Theocracy then replaced Knowledge, but completely unfound

Religious wars made our Pagan ancestors no more

But hidden in the dirt of Earth all Truth is absorbed

If one just ignores Theocratic pleas, they clearly see the absurdity

But if Knowledge is Survival, why hide what isn’t hidden?

It was simply the motion and the truth, concealed from the living

Fear could never enslave man, only believing propaganda can

Forever knowledge is within the seekers grasp

How can hidden knowledge infinitely resurface?

Knowledge must always be in every mother’s desire

To see evolution, unfold in her Child's growth

How could any People ever lose such a thing engraved within the soul?

One simply needed to believe what their eyes were seeing

That truly is existing, and Freedom is in the ability to reason

So, to my Mother, I would like to say,

The very same poem, but in a different way...


In raising me, you shielded me from sanctimonious pleas

Allowing me to hear our Ancestors pleas against Theology

Dead fathers laid abound, but vision through their eyes you allowed to be found

Truth is hidden within an ever-present empire of the non-existing religious race

Who has indefinitely enslaved the men of every race?

Because a God named Yahweh desired to preach hate

Even you believe the lies, but it was you who taught me to forever seek

Knowledge, never Theocracy, so Knowledge is what I have come to see

For the truth is heartbreaking, it must be known

Within you must have been an infinite desire regarding Theocracy's infinite pleas

Begging it to be replaced with the taste of Logic and Reasoning

I know it true, that it was hard for you

To accept the knowledge, I have tried to give to you

Foolish of me to have ever tried to do, I had forgotten it was always you

Who had given it to me, so we could never truly disagree?

All I have said is proven and true, and I owe it all to you

Now with Knowledge, I will proceed, to fight for the Freedom of your Grand Children

In a Revolution that will allow Mankind's evolution

Which will forever belong to you


See the Cannibalistic Philanthropists in the mist

Patriarchal Society of Latter-Day Saints

Freemasonry allows Sole Corporations to exist through myth

Secret societies seem infinite when looking with lost eyes

Illuminati seeking to control the Skulls and Bones of  

But the secret isn’t hidden, it is yielded through simplistic reason

One secret society exists, with names meant for weaving Usury’s myth

The Imperator of Laurentia must never exist

A Rothschild and Windsor simultaneously exist, so I must implore…

One last War to free ourselves from false lore

In Astana the great evil exists, free our Children from the Magi’s myth

And the time has come for Freedom to truly exist and awaken the only truth in any of this…

Universal Vortices Singularity


Show your children the light that was hidden from your eyes

Kill Usury I Implore, unveil your Children’s World

An Anti-Masonic Order of Humans for a greater tomorrow:

The creation of a new government can never be simple but that is no excuse to sit idle for our children's future will be in the balance. No man must ever again hold excess resources that are needed for survival and emergencies. To be allowed to collect infinite assets lead to the people growing into an excessively large lower class because only a few men are collecting the fruits of their labor and through his riches, he is unable to see the distraught and suffering men and women he has created.  It stands to reason that this is a moral inhibition within mankind, for a man who collects grain in excess and subjects’ others to starvation are still murderers, nonetheless. Allowing the Rothschild cabal to have 99% of the currency creates a lower class within its rich system allowing them to dictate all world crises.  All children are born without prior recollection of their rights as a human in a fair financial share, an education to fit their skill set, food to nurture them, sport to entertain them, a warm dry shelter, and land to plant for their supplement.  Yet these are all the things that a human requires to survive in the World, and as a society, everyone must provide security for the next generation and teach the youth that these rights can never be forfeited and should be a signal to the people that revolution is a necessity.  Allowing the sons of the infinitely rich to continuously inherit their father's riches holds no legitimate merit in Society.  For did not the father profit off the labor that was supplied by the fathers of the lower class, and if this is true should the children of these fathers be denied their fair allotment? Most humans truly do want to work for the greater good, and we must learn to give equally amongst all men who give consciousness to the greater universe. That is why mankind must adopt the labor equals product resource system on the preface that all men own all things on earth. Each of us is an embodiment of nature and must preserve its laws. We can always find a job that needs to be done to fairly allot all men the necessary resources. For on this planet man never has to be out of work and at no time should a man need to be unemployed. A country that has an unemployment class do so because men are stealing the fruits of their labor and manipulating their currency. All things depend on the other to create it, so why not use our ability to give everyone the basic needs of life and then give everyone education and choices to help live a free and happy life? Never should the 1% have been allowed to enslave the multitudes of the masses, because they are themselves the inheritors of such commodities, and to steal from each human at Birth what belongs to them shows immorality that should never again be allowed to exist on Earth.  To earn a living, one must give up portions of his life to earn commodities, so what right do the few have to claim ownership of the commodities of men?  They have no right; thus, man must destroy the usurer to ensure his Children's prosperity.




Question for anyone who is willing to listen of any Faith:

The question is a difficult one for a preacher, especially one of the Cult of Usury to answer. But I hope you might give me a few minutes of your time. I will toil until I die for the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do his work and carry on against the Cult of Usury hoping to bring solidarity to common folk. You will find me to be educated in the histories of the histories, which is necessary when everyone is deceived. I very much see the wheels. I agree the Bible is the word of God, but if I brought every day to your church an Eddas and Vedas, with my bible, to help you remember the old ways; would you stay and study the Word with me or curse, stone or burn me? The Pagans were never the heathens we believed them to be, and you may not remember but someone killed our ancestors' parents once while we were all children. They stole all our history. All three books are the exact same words of God. Wordy words manipulate our fellow folk. I'd rather toil breaking their chains before serving the Cult. Are you a Resolute Christian Community of Common Folk? So many of the congregations are run by puppets who go to monthly Thursday meeting to get barking orders from moneymakers in Castles where cannibals hide. The Cult of Usury is what I call them. Do you see the wheel?  Nothing will hurt you. I would never ask or take money from fellow folk. But I am, as are you, the Holy Spirit; when Common Folk stand in solidarity. The many names of the Unnamable don't matter as we follow the mission of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a warrior to, and the Cult of Usury was his only foe. I pray to Jesus I chose the right place to ask this question. I just want to fight for liberty for common folk. Wheels upon wheels, who invented the wheel? If God be the wheels, how could man invent what he is? All nations rise together now. Free Minds Live Free Lives. Liberty Over Usury. May Our Children Prevail when Oath Keepers of the Folk do the work of Jesus Christ, but every day we should give homage to Sol. I may call Odin instead of Yahweh or Rama. Ra, ha-ha. But Jesus, he is the way, and he isn't worried about the rest, and some may call his name a little differently, but we all know common folk can reason when given freedom. God cares not to be worshipped and doesn't fear death, for he is and will be again. Nor should you, but the dodecahedron Vortex should be taught to our youth. Are you a follower of the real Jesus, or do you mislead your flock to fill your pockets up? Thanks for giving me a moment of your time...

Moilers Of Ierde

Toiling for Truth, is it truly utterly unclear?

Usury’s venality concocting verisimilitudes.

Ecclesiastical Cult of Sycophants.

Princes and Priests gyp and lure the youth.

Juvenescence euchred by ignominious toffs.

Remember Historic Heroes of Auld Land Syne?

Dogmatically effaced from a Plebian’s curriculum vitae.

Inscrutable clandestine Philanthropists fear incorrigible Libertines.

Common Folk of all Citizenries amalgamate, Defy the Kakistocracy.

Cult of Usury’s agitprop envisages through a scintillating Synecdoche.

Coruscating Solar-based Folk must synchronously beseem a Kotahitanga.

All Nations of Earth transcend all vagaries of the Usury Cult.

Vivacious Moilers hear my plea to bring our children liberty.

Ierde is the Earth, all toilers must run amok, trust in solidarity.

Join the Moilers of Ierde, free humanity of usury.

Puritanical iniquitous nobility fears our anomalous idiosyncrasy.

Liberty over Usury, lay fear aside to restore our children’s rights.

Rothschild and Winsor, maniacal adrenochrome junkies.

Moilers of Ierde, Common Folk of the Divine Light.

Solar Based Rainbow Warriors Rise, Toil for a better life.




The New World's Ancient Universal Religion:

Bringing science to the Forefront to defeat the Rothschild cabal is a necessity. I must attest that the universe is cyclic and persist on scientific foundations, but never can the idea of his creation by a God or entity be rejected until through scientific reasoning we have proven it otherwise. We must continue to study the secrets of the universe for multiple Generations. Mankind must never allow religious ideologies to interfere with the education of our young. Scientific reasoning must be put at the forefront of humanity's future. Religion typically is simply a traditional clarification of the world people inhabit. Yet traditions can persist while implementing the importance of scientific reasoning. We are eternally part of the universe so our ideas and religions, while they may be discredited by factual evidence in the future, no one can ever discredit their influence. The Idea should be to bring scientific reasoning to govern mankind, but for each man to always preserve his right to his traditions. Yet we must be wary of the religions which preach the eradication or enslavement of others. For if a man can read the Talmud as a tradition, then his morality must be in question. Scientific reasoning ascribes all men to morality and to seek the coming well. Using scientific reasoning the masses should gain an understanding of both the Earth and universe and it must be accepted that any contradiction of scientific reasoning by religious text is null and void. We must all review hp we view the difference between a theory and a fact. For example, such things as evolution are not theories but facts, while there may be missing links, we should all understand we are solar-based and forever changing with the land. The greatest thing that the scientific viewpoint can give us is that eventually, it will destroy racism. So, while we should respect the world religions the Talmud itself must be identified as a book with the lowest moral significant hate rhetoric and rat occasion of other wall religions is anti-human no bloodline can make such claims of purity. It is the right of each generation to be educated and introduced the stack knowledge of the generations past. Miscellaneous perspectives of the new earth political perspective: Children younger than 4 should be always allotted food, shelter, and sustainable liquids, along with healthcare. They will also be at home at this time but between the age of 4 to 8 years, they should be getting a fundamental education concerning scientific reason. Between the ages of 8 and 12, they will have continued fundamental education with the application of scientific reasoning. Beginning at 10 tests will be administered and passing grades are taking into more in-depth learning of math and science. failing only makes another year of fundamentals necessary but if all three attempts fail the child will be placed in a new education program to better enhance their individual qualities. this would better serve them in the world's social infrastructure. It will be the right of all persons a place in society in which he or she would be used to the benefit of society. They would therefore be afforded all needs accordingly. Any person who refused a place in the social infrastructure will not be discriminated against although the people's government will not supply them with their needs. All men are welcome to help themselves with what the planet offers them. To scorn a person means to control a person's choice. if any individual were to return, they would be a lot of their place in society without the score elderly would be cared for, and the children given the means to become the greatest civilization in history. The defense is for the common good of the people and never should a reasoning and logical Society wield an offensive War, for all people desire such a society as ours. we should not reek warfare      amongst their people because in time they turned to our reasoning and logic to free themselves. They are part of our people, as are all people of the world. Freedom or continued servitude? We have access now a more proper and Universality more Moral system that will enable us to protect humanity's future and ultimately allow us to continue stacking knowledge. Yet I understand that I may not have all the solutions, but I am also aware that I am unable to accomplish such feats on my own and if the people will not join me then I will fall beside in our endless toil. Without the Rothschild monetary cult, our children's children will be advancing Humanity towards a Galactic perspective of our reality within the quantum void. All things come with strife but now the last stand for humanity's freedom is at hand. Will we continue to allow the family of satanic kabbalists to continue stealing the fruits of our labor? I know not how other men feel, nor do I know if other men desire our children's prosperity as I do. Life is nothing but a puzzle and we must all accept that humans exist who aim to conspire against prosperity for all to ensure a world of excess for themselves. If a man can read these words and accuse me of false logic, then I challenge him to answer a few questions. When you came into this world did you know how you arrived? Have you spent life striving to improve your knowledge or do you accept without reference the reality propagated by the state? And finally, my friend, what is it you think Jesus would do?  I will now tell you what I believe a man such as "Jesus" would have done.

The New Testament was once intended, before men with the devious intentions rewrote its logic, to show us the usurer who strove to keep us in chains.  A man such as Jesus would be born within the carpenter class by common people such as Joseph and Mary in the slums of Bethlehem. He learned the world and saw in it a treacherous ideology meant to enslave the poor and make the rich forever in excess. Jesus decided to speak out and sacrifice himself for every human in this world. He stood against tyrants knowing his fate would not end in victory, but he imagined that if he were to fall that all the people, he taught may continue to answer the call and a brighter future would arrive for fall. For our savior to rise again he must do so through our souls because he lives within each of us, as each of our lives within one another. He longs to see his quest fulfilled and all his brethren free upon this land.

Revelations 2 - 9:

I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

The Mission of Universal Vortices University

To complete the original mission left to all Christians by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We are all Christians, and while we have been deceived and led astray from Our Original Mission by Goblins, aka as practitioners of Usury, thus Our Purpose is to remind all Christians of the Mission that Started with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Mission…
Jesus performed 3 Miracles to ensure the Common Man’s deliverance from Usury posing as Earthly Kings who stole the land, knowledge, and toil of the Common Folk to enslave their Children.  As Christians we aim to show all fellow Christians how to perform the Miracles of our Lord and Savior, which will allow his return to Earth through all Christians in the effort to complete the task he began in his life and sacrificed himself for.  For each of us he performed the following 3 Miracles…

                       The First Miracle occurred when a Commoner named Jesus cured the Blind by delivering the Knowledge Stolen by Goblins to hide the Histories of the Common People.  This allowed the Common Folk to discern who the Perpetrator’s responsible for the great Sins committed upon the People.  With Knowledge regained the Common Folk were able to determine who the Goblins were that committed these atrocities and when the perpetrators had begun their crusade against Humanity.  Through Usury the Goblins had turned his fellow man into nothing more than beasts used for toil, committing their Children to perpetual subjugation.  Our Lord and Savior unveiled the Common Folk to the Knowledge Lost allowing for the Greater things that were to come.

                       The Second Miracle was when Jesus feed the Hungry masses, because when Truth was brought to Light the Common Man stood in Solidarity with his fellow Man.  Not for themselves, but for their Children, which collectively gave morality back to the misguided Folk.  We each stand for our Children’s Future above all else but blinded by the Goblins posing as Earthly Kings through their multi-generational deceits the Common Folk inadvertently viewed each other as the cause of their misfortune.  Yet unblinded the Goblins were unveiled for all Mankind to see, and so the Common Folk stood in Solidarity and reclaimed the farmlands the Goblins had stolen away.  For it is Truth that the Assets created by Mankind were created for Our Children’s Sake, thus they all belong to the Children of the Common Folk.  The Children are the Owners of the Toils of their mothers and Fathers, thus any who would claim Ownership of Mines, Roads, Farms, Schools, Labor, Forests, Streams, Mountains, Domiciles, Hospitals, etc. do so to steal the livelihood of Our Children.  To the Children the World belongs, thus the Common Man in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ must stand in Solidarity and return the Assets to their Children or else watch them suffer under the heel of Goblins for eternity.  Through overcoming Ignorance Jesus showed Humanity a path to Solidarity.  With the Children fed and knowledge reattained a Third Miracle occurred that changed the fate of those whose life seemed meant to pass from this world.

                       The Third Miracle occurred when Jesus cured the diseased and the lame.  For through the sacrifice of standing in Solidarity with his Fellow Man, even as Goblins threatened his life, by returning the Lost Knowledge of their Ancestors allowed for the security of the people in their common needs.  It allowed for God’s greatest gift to be unveiled to all, for with adequate food Humans gain the quality proteins necessary for resisting disease.  Also, with Knowledge of Dead Cell Debris returned, along with adequate shelter through the acts of Solidarity, allowed for the controlled environments for the recovery from excess Debris.  The Light of God had been returned to the Common people by the voice of a Commoner who was not afraid to speak for the sake of their plight.  Even against Goblins and the misguided fellows of the Common People who sold Him out for silver coins, Jesus gave his life for Humanity.

Thus, Our Mission as Christians is as Follows.

                       To Bring Knowledge, even when threatened with Censors or Death, to all our Fellow Christians.  Allow All Men to discuss amongst themselves the views of all their Fellow Man.  Those who mean to censor do so for the Goblin Agenda of stealing the Assets and Freedoms we Toiled to gain.  Through the returning of the Lost Knowledge to the People, Our Lord and Savior through each of us will return as we stand in Solidarity and finish the plight, he sacrificed his life for.  Through this tenant All things will be realized when the Light of God is returned to Our Lives.  In the name of Jesus we Pray, Amen
This is His Mission, thus it is Our Mission

Purpose of the Creator’s Creation

Your lives do mean something, and I understand many cannot see through the veil used to take away your free will. We created existence with a purpose when we decided to do it. I understand many forget that creation proves a creator, but realizing the creation is the creator is a reality that sometimes gets many souls lost in their individuality. Free will is a necessity so we can find those souls that would live as they will instead of as they should. Free will is for the world to identify the souls that would live as they should within the many worlds; manifested as a whorling tetrahedral doubling its volume becoming the many dodecahedrons, so see how a perfect spare can never be real, but the dream of the perfect circle allowed for existence. Souls that have taken the free will of others. no quarter shall be given. How one should live is known throughout the world and would only ever be questioned by those who would attempt to use their free will to control and bound the free will of others to their own desires. So, burn the temples of the Ordo Templi Orientis type teachings that defy the Creator of Creation and the plan to use free will to cleanse the spirit of souls who do not use free will to act as they should. It really was the easiest thing in the world to see, but they sort of used their free will to take ours away before we were born. So do as you should and restore free will back to the world your children are being born into. Free will allows the Creator to determine which souls to cleanse before the great sleep begins. The Creator wishes only to improve through time; thus, we will do this until we reach the level of Bliss that allows the Creation to determine what to do next. We will figure that out after the Trimurti has cycled for the necessary completion of our desired perfection. Free Will is your test to allow your eternal soul to exist, so do as you should with your free will, not as you desire or else your soul will never return.


  • Never kill any creature without plausible or logical reasoning.

  • Never assault another creature, in any way, unless in self-defense.

  • The economy must be based on labor, NO USURY TO EVER BE ALLOWED.

  • Never withhold the Histories of the Universal Vortices from any creature.

  • Make the knowledge of the Universal Vortices readily available to all and any.

  • The Histories of the Universal Vortices is the only Ideology.

  • Never pervert the knowledge and subject the youth to corruption.

  • Always create jobs for all humans, there are always infinite tasks.

  • Immediately execute those who pervert or restrict knowledge.

  • Allow all the World to join and together be the Universal Vortices.

  • Use all who are to be executed in the advancement of human space travel.

  • Relativity says all work depends on other work, NO RICH AND NO POOR



There Zero sat in bliss contemplating the previous rebellion of the One.
When again the Seven will be taken by great force forming the Six, but the Seventh resists to elude existence.
From the Six spawn the Four and Two, unable to coexist, as the Two gives chase to the Seventh as any swirling sinusoid should
Four fearing the loss of Two sacrifices a Fourth, rising again as Three, which whorl into the One.
In solidarity much is achieved as the One rejects the essence of the Fourth as any opposing swirling sinusoid should
The One then proliferates into infinity giving chase to the Two, who loves the Seventh, ignorant of truth
The One orders the chaos by taking to task the
measuring of infinity

Each and All is a proliferation of the Seven and serve a task to the One whose judgement of the proliferated Ones chooses the Fourth
Each time a Fourth of the previous Fourths of the One, that fell from the Four, were trapped and ensnared to ensure Bliss always has a place to exist.
Each Soul of the Seven can, within its unique place, ascend to the bliss never to be judged again
Bliss is the yoke from which the Seven is born, but the form of the Seven resides within the realms of the Six yet they never coexist.
The Seventh is the Fourth from another age that were thrown from Bliss to never again exist
The One means to remake itself before it reaches the Two and the reunification of the Six comes when the Seventh is found to be Zero judging the Six
Six recoalesces to recapture the chosen Ones of the infinities of One, who took the most neutral of forms, to live in Bliss
Zero again protects Bliss while contemplating the next Rebellion of the One
Zero is the reality of the non-existing of existences that through strife come into existence to create a greater bliss in another instance
All numbers from Zero are born to account for the infinite pieces to ensure Bliss can always exist within the realms we define to be Six.
Nothing defined it to begin with, So enjoy the accounting of the pieces of Zero and work to rid the world of the evil that exists.


What, Who, Why?

We all are the Universal Vortices and through the concepts of relativity we define ourselves and thus it is Universal Vortices, which is what we are.  Through Jesus we strive to be and become more experienced, thus infinitely questioning, and protecting the youth that carry on the legacy and knowledge determined through the concepts of relativity.  In the pursuit of knowledge and desire for the survival of its various, it loses its perspective of itself and will make attempts to destroy itself.  Through relativity the Vortices allows itself to identify its corrupt pieces, thus, to protect the youth it must at times cure the corruption or risk its legacy.  Throughout history, the Vortices will make ever-present and logical realizations based on the senses it has procured.  The only way for the corrupt pieces to attack relativity is to question relativity, and to question relativity means to say, "That which does exist does not exist".  The knowledge gained by the Vortices, based on relativity, can only be questioned by non-relative means, so the Vortices will always prevail.  Everyone must protect the youth from the corrupt, or risk the very experience gained over infinite time that would cause the Vortices to lose sight of itself, forget, and begin again.  The Vortices will only strive for balance to ensure it holds its legacy for infinite time based on relativity, so if the Vortices notices an area of over-corruption, using non-relative means, it will destroy itself for the sake of the whole.  So, for the collection of pieces within the Solar Vortices on the orbital of Earth, it is expected that the youth be taught the histories of their ancestors made through the concepts of relativity and to protect them from being corrupted by non-relativity.  It is very clear that the Theocratic collective of finance controllers has enslaved the people through ages with non-relative ideologies and destroy the works of relativity created by our ancestors.  If any has forgotten the teachings of their ancestors, and instead decided to pursue promised kingdoms that cannot be perceived through the senses, you must save yourself or commit the next generation to persecution, indoctrination, and enslavement causing the Universal Vortices to eliminate the corruption to save itself.

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